
Courses Currently Taught


Introduction to Pest Management (EPWS 100)

This course introduces applied biology including recognition and control of major pest problems of crops, livestock, native vegetation, and homes. One-hour lab is optional.

Insects, Humans, and the Environment (EPWS 325)

This course offers an overview of the interactions of the world’s largest group of organisms with humans. It emphasizes the role of insects in the development of human cultures, including health, food and fiber production, art, music, and environmental issues; with discussions of historic, present day, and future impacts in underdeveloped, developing, and developed civilizations.

Tropical Insect Ecology (EPWS 451/551)

Students will be familiarized with important insect groups in class followed by a 10-day trip to Belize where they can observe, collect, and learn about insects and other arthropods found in various tropical habitats.

Advanced Insect Morphology and Taxonomy (EPWS 451/551)

This course offers a more in-depth review of insect morphology, physiology and taxonomy.